

Pentref bach o 1000 o drigolion 2.5 milltir i gyfeiriad y gogledd o Aberteifi yw Pen-y-parc. Mae ganddo ysbryd cymunedol gwych yn sgil Pwyllgor Lles y Pentref sy’n trefnu’r Carnifal a’r Diwrnod Mabolgampau blynyddol, ynghyd â gweithgareddau codi arian eraill.

Ymhlith y cyfleusterau mae dau fodurdy a dau gae chwarae – un gyda siglenni a’r llall yn gartref i ddau gae pêl-droed. Mae gan Glwb Pêl-droed Iau llwyddiannus iawn Pen-y-parc bum tîm o wahanol oedrannau, sy’n amrywio o 7 i 16 oed. Mae yna ysgol gynradd leol y tu allan i’r pentref ac mae ganddi ychydig dros 100 o ddisgyblion.

Nesaf at y caeau pêl-droed mae’r Neuadd CFfI (Ystafell Berkley) a ddefnyddir ar gyfer cyfarfodydd a digwyddiadau. Yno, mae Adran yr Urdd yn cwrdd hefyd, sy’n rhoi cyfle i blant gystadlu yn holl weithgareddau ac Eisteddfodau’r Urdd.

Yng nghanol y pentref mae Capel y Bedyddwyr a’r Festri. Defnyddir y Festri gan sefydliadau lleol hefyd at ddibenion cyfarfodydd a gweithgareddau.

Ychydig y tu allan i’r pentref mae Banc y Warren, sef Safle o Ddiddordeb Gwyddonol Arbennig sy’n cynnwys dyddodion rhewlif, sy’n cael ei grybwyll yn hanesyddol cyn belled yn ôl â dechrau’r 13eg ganrif. Credir i frwydr ddigwydd yma lle gwthiodd Tywysog Rhys ap Gruffydd o’r Deheubarth y Normaniaid ym Mrwydr Crug Mawr. Mae yno gofeb fach o garreg sy’n nodi’r man lle crogwyd troseddwyr rai canrifoedd yn ddiweddarach. Gan fod y bryn yn uwch na’r pentref, y gobaith oedd y byddai gweld cyrff wedi’u crogi yn atal troseddau.

Penyparc is a small village of 1000 residents located 2.5 miles north of Cardigan. It has a great community spirit at the heart of which is The Village Committee (Pwyllgor Lles) which organises the annual Carnival and Sports Day and other fund raising activities. Facilities include two garages and two playing fields – one with swings and the other hosts two football pitches. The very successful Penyparc Junior Football Club has five teams of varying ages ranging from 7 ‐16 years old. The local junior school is located outside of the village and has just over 100 pupils.

Located adjacent to the football pitches is the YFC Hall (Ystafell Berkeley) which is used for meetings and events. There is also an Urdd Group which gives children an opportunity to compete in all Urdd activities and Eisteddfodau.

In the centre of the village are the Welsh Baptist Chapel and Vestry. The Vestry is also used by local organisations for meetings and activities.

Just outside of the village is Banc Y Warren (Banc Y Warrin ), a Site of Special Scientific Interest consisting of glacial deposit, which is mentioned historically as far back as the 1200s. It is believed that a battle took place here when Prince Rhys ap Gruffydd of Deheubarth fought off the Normans in the Battle of Crug Mawr. A small stone monument marks the spot where, a few centuries later, criminals were hanged. As the mount was higher than the village, it was hoped that the sight of bodies hanging would act as a crime deterrent.


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